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The Road to Freedom

I guess it is okay to say "Happy Independence Day Nigeria!"  It is? Very good. As the country celebrates its independence today, I can't help but think about what we as individuals also need independence from; yes, there are a lot of things we need independence from, but this one especially: Imposter Syndrome. In July, while I was in the middle of my semester's exam, I received an email informing me that I was an awardee of an award for academic excellence. I didn't know how to feel honestly. On one hand, I was extremely grateful to God because I'd be nothing without his help. On the other hand, I was worried because my last semester's results had a wide gap from what earned me the award in the first place, so I only told my family members and I kept on moving. I also told my friend about it, and I told her not to tell anyone because the award felt like blowing a trumpet that wasn't there, and anytime I heard anyone call me Star, I'd tell them to k
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Faith, Femininity, and the Fight

  As someone who grew up in a very conservative Christian home, Christianity has always been the way of life. Whether we enjoyed it or not was not up for debate. When I got serious with God, it wasn't from the place of love or anything; it was from the place of guilt. The guilt of "he died for you do not have the decency to give him your life and live right? In just a snap of his fingers, you'll be gone and be thrown into an everlasting furnace." Or the "you're not even serious with your life, you should be burning for Christ." This is why sometimes when unbelievers say "nobody asked Jesus to die for us" or something of that sort, I believe they're trying to avoid being guilt-tripped into giving their whole life to someone who they truly don't know.    For years, I didn't grow. The concept of growth was not even a thing. "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord" was not something I could rel

From "No Strings Attached" to "Mind the Gossips"

“You don’t owe anyone anything” and “What will people think?” are two extreme ideologies that govern the decisions people make, and I’m here to find a middle ground. As human beings, we are social animals and we need the community to function. If we all live by the philosophy that we owe no one anything, then we can as well go back to the time before the state was created and everyone did as they liked, and maybe we will understand practically what Thomas Hobbes meant when he said the state of nature was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. I’m sure when we have ever said those words we didn’t see it as a big issue or a problem at all, but most of the issues we have as a nation or community stem from living by that ideology in the first place. The only reason a person will play loud music into the night despite knowing it disturbs others is because he doesn’t feel a need to consider how his actions affect others. The only reason why a person will choose to litter public spaces ste

Though I Fall, I Will Rise Again

About Judith, he said: Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields her all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders  This was not what I planned as my welcome back to blogging, but I’ve been so lax in writing that I’ll take anything I can get.  I recently posted on my WhatsApp status that one of Jesus’ hardest commandments is to “be anxious for nothing.” It logically does not make sense as humans that things are falling apart and there is a commandment to not be anxious. I just concluded the third year of my Law degree and I had high hopes going into the third year. I prayed, pulled down mountains (very essential😂), and I was ready to conquer the world.  The first semester came, and yes, there were little hiccups here and there, but everything was still fine. I resumed for the second semester, and I remember I wrote a blog post on tenacity unknowing to me that I’d be taking my advice(such is life, innit?). The results for the first semester s

The Twentieth Floor

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Tenacity in Action

I’ve heard the word “tenacious” a number of times in my lifetime but I don’t think I have ever truly delved (I promise this is not AI-generated 😂) into what that word entails.  Recently, I was in a Bible Class and the teacher talked about “tenacity”. After that teaching, something dangerous was ignited in me and I would like to share it with y'all too. (I know, I'm very generous😌) To be tenacious means to be dogged or better still unwilling to yield or give up. A tenacious person to me is like a crazy person who despite all odds still goes for something. A tenacious person will say “regardless”, “even though”, “upon still”. I will explain this in a religious format because that’s how best I know how to explain it. The Bible says “Ask and it shall be given unto you". When you ask and it’s not given, tenacity is not stopping there, it is seeking, you seek. When you seek and you don’t find, that's a clear indication that there’s an obstruction, a door, so you knock and

Finding Peace in Chaos: A Symphony of Comfort

What do you do to calm yourself in anxious seasons? I say seasons because I don’t mean short-term anxiety. I mean anxiety that runs for days and sometimes months. Where or who do you seek comfort from? I hope you don’t take on bad habits👀.  Well, this is about me so I will be talking about where I seek comfort when I’m in my anxious season😗. As a Christian, I know the broad theory is to seek comfort from God -remember not to bother people too much with your problem because I heard a saying not so recently that “If you tell me all your problems then what will you tell God”. I was shocked at first when I heard that because ahan people can be so unprovoked but there’s some truth to it because truly if you discuss all your life problems with a mortal man what will you tell the immortal God? Yes, we seek comfort from God but there are means to seek his comfort, practical means and I will be sharing two of what works for me. Firstly, I find comfort in the scriptures, the Bible. I could ju